Choosing the Right Data Ingestion Method with Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric provides various options for data ingestion, each with its own strengths and use cases. Understanding which option to use and when can significantly impact your data workflow efficiency. In this video, we'll explore the different data ingestion methods offered by Microsoft Fabric—Dataflow (with and without Fast Copy), Data Pipeline, and Notebooks—and discuss their … Continue reading Choosing the Right Data Ingestion Method with Microsoft Fabric

Performance Flow by xVIZ is the best visual for Parent Child hierarchies In Power BI

What is one thing that is harder than modeling complex hierarchies and relationships in our data? Well, having to visualize it of course! Luckily, xVIZ Performance Flow might be the best tool to make it easier for us. It's an incredibly mature visual with lots of features and customization options. Please check out my latest video for a quick review and tutorial. #micorsoft #mspowerbi #financialanalysis #financialreporting #getsmartertogether #obvience

Streak Analysis – From DAX to Reporting

If you are trying to manage customer or employee engagement, but have no quantitative understanding of impressions, engagements, and conversions, then you have zero grasp of your reach. If basics are covered, you should focus on the quality of the engagement. Streak Analysis could be very useful to understand patterns of engagement. Learn how to create the DAX calculations and use them in a report in this video.

What to Do When Calculation Groups Break Your Measures (PowerBI Tutorial)

Unfortunately, it does happen… You have just added a new calculation group/calculation item to your model and all of the sudden, some of the visuals on your report stop working. Usually, the main reason behind is some sort of invalid DAX in your calculation group. However, sometimes this might happen even if on a surface … Continue reading What to Do When Calculation Groups Break Your Measures (PowerBI Tutorial)

Taking another look at ALL() and ALLSELECTED() Functions

I have a video that takes another look at All() and AllSelected() functions. I start by talking about the flow of filters in the model. The direction of the arrow in the relationship between Fact and Dimension matters. With this background, I talk about using All() and AllSelected() function on Dimension table and compare it … Continue reading Taking another look at ALL() and ALLSELECTED() Functions