Microsoft Surface RT review, sort of in a context of Microsoft BI

First, I have to explain why I am writing this review when so many websites have already covered the product – the only thing that I will cover that others haven't is what features of Microsoft BI stack run on Surface and what don't. Let's get through the bad stuff first. I don't know if … Continue reading Microsoft Surface RT review, sort of in a context of Microsoft BI

Forrester Releases “Self-Service Business Intelligence Platforms” report, Microsoft identified as leader

Well, a leader and not the leader, although Microsoft BI stack is definitely ranked very high by Forrester.  Please follow this link to read the report. This is probably a little bit of old news, since the report was release in June and updated in the middle of July, but I figured it be a … Continue reading Forrester Releases “Self-Service Business Intelligence Platforms” report, Microsoft identified as leader