Understanding the Costs of Fabric DW Queries: A Deep Dive

Welcome to our deep dive into Microsoft Fabric! If you're navigating the complexities of Microsoft Fabric, one critical aspect you'll want to master is understanding the cost of each activity, especially when it comes to Fabric Data Warehouse (DW) queries. The Challenge of Cost Analysis in Microsoft Fabric Determining the cost of Fabric DW queries … Continue reading Understanding the Costs of Fabric DW Queries: A Deep Dive

How to implement #RAG Architecture with Azure #OpenAI in Microsoft #Fabric

Ready to take your Business Intelligence and Data Engineering skills to the next level with Azure OpenAI and Microsoft Fabric? Learn how to implement hashtag#RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) Architecture with these powerful tools in my latest video. By securely bringing your corporate data into the fold, you can unlock the full potential of GenAI. Check out the video now to get started. hashtag#Azure hashtag#OpenAI hashtag#LLM hashtag#microsoftfabric hashtag#dataengineering hashtag#datascience hashtag#AI hashtag#genai hashtag#powerbi hashtag#getsmartertogether hashtag#obvience