Power BI Anomaly Detection is a Home Run!

Wanted to record a quick video to:

  1. congratulate the Power BI team with delivering of this killer feature
  2. do a quick test drive of anomaly detection and see how I like it
  3. provide a quick overview of what it does and how to use it.

Not going to lie, I really love this feature. I put together a new dataset based on CDC’s US deaths for the last two years. The data is broken down by the cause of death and by state. I was curious whether anomaly detection will be able to detect what happened in US in  April of 2020 and how severe it was.

If you don’t have the time to watch the video, I will just tell you that it did very well, for more details, please watch the video below.

16 thoughts on “Power BI Anomaly Detection is a Home Run!

  1. Anomaly detection works for us from Power BI Desktop, a thing of beauty. Then we publish to PowerBI.com and the thing stops working. We expect to see the list of possible explanations based on our Explain By fields, but powerbi.com always says, “We couldn’t find any significant explanations for this anomaly. Try adding new fields to the Explain by section of the Analytics pane.”

  2. We’ve been using Anomaly Detection in Power BI Desktop and it is a thing of beauty. Then we published to powerbi.com and all we ever get is, “We couldn’t find any significant explanations for this anomaly. Try adding new fields to the Explain by section of the Analytics pane.”

    Explanations have been configured in the Explain By Fields section. Re-open the Desktop copy and works again.

    Highly frustrating! Ever experienced?

  3. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated you for this quality work. Nice post!! These tips may help me in the future.

  4. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated you for this quality work. Nice post!! These tips may help me in the future.

  5. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated you for this quality work. Nice post!! These tips may help me in the future.

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